25th june 08,
Glory 2 God
He listen 2 my prayer. Last night He asked me 2 wait. God want me 2 b faithful 2 Him. 2day He had solved my problem. He sent an angel 2 me, Chai Peng. He let me know tat Chai Peng is a good n caring friend. He teach me x to critic or back stabbed ppl. Yes,all d glory 2 Him at the highest. Amen..
3rd July 08,
Haha..last night I dream I had an opportunity 2 have a talk wif Pastor Ting Ee Ling.. I ask her wether she wants 2 marry or not,coz 2 bcome a 牧师, one can't marry (female)..bt her answer is so weird! She asked me back who told me tat 2 bcome a 牧师,she can't gt married. Nway,its a dream oly after all.. Haha..so funny,y I feel so lost~
5th July 2008,
好高兴噢! 能够download诗歌.
7th July 2008,
I was stunted! As pastor Moh n her sister cm n sit beside me..
All begins in da morning..i go 2 morning prayer at 6.00 o'clock..we pray according to the Lord's prayer,conducted by Pastor Ting Ee Ling. During d break time,btween 6.30-7.00 am,i wantd 2 approach pastor 2 ask them 2 teach me about the 三位一体的神. But all of them seems so busy. Aftr tat, i go 2 airport..saw some senior which we r in same college in primary school. Go inside d airplane and unbelievable.. Pastor Mao n her sister cm n sit bside me! I afraid I wil 认错人. I cal 传道. She turned 2 me n ask which church I m from..I request tat she change place wif her sister..coz I ve questions 2 ask her.. For her is fine,so d cnversation startd.. 感谢主. 你太伟大了! Before this I told aunty Ma Nar there will not be any miracle in this world, but, God had let me experience it! There is miracle and God did send angel beside you~
25th Aug 2008,
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst 4 righteousness, for they will be filled..
Blessed are d peacemakers,for they will be called sons of God..
19th Oct 2008,
26th Oct 2008,
2rd Nov 2008,
刚从理拜堂回来。 好累,好想主日学的小朋友,好想福源堂,好想卫斯理堂,好想听美英牧师,怡伶传道,毛传道,pastor Ting, pastor Lee n Rev. Tiong Chung Tiing's sermon.好渴慕义,好想家,好想家人!一下子肯定又哭了。陈利翩,加油!
27th Nov 2008,
刚才jungle trekking 完过后,感谢主。。。我跟彩萍传了福音。。我好希望她能得救,因她是我的好姐妹。。。
29th Dec 2008,
陈怡伶传道,go go 加油啊!--> today is her birthday!
16th Jan 2009,
我跟蔡传道分享了。不知道为何突然间跟他分享了有关我spm成绩的故事至到我遇到毛传道,后从网上遇到他的事情。。。主安排的太完美无霞了。然我见到毛传道后是蔡传道,后是长老会,后是ShuWan姐妹..是她在我伤心Chemistry考不好时SMS我说 we do our best,leave d rest 2 God..可能她也不知道她已成为我的天使! 重而言之,我2009年学到的课程是:常常为别人感恩《怡伶传道》,成为别人的天使《蔡传道》。。。
31st Jan 2009,
真的很感恩,有这么好的姐姐; 很感恩,今天有去大保玲球,感恩,我还能呼吸,还有好多好多说不完的! 感谢神!希望,彩萍早日接受耶稣基督!我做牛做马都心干情愿。。。我要她一家得救,这是我心愿!
10th Feb 2009,
21st March 2009,
12.32 a.m.-今天,为什么那么孤独呢?其实,我很不高兴,因为明天在福源堂将举行少年崇拜,而我不能参加。。。主题还是我最喜欢的诗歌:“我们爱,让世界不一样”。我深深觉得爱的那古力量太大了,能改变人心和这个败坏的世界。。讲员是陈怡伶传道。。喜望神能投过陈传道来感动众听者。。还有,她的妈妈到底好不好。。打电疗是很痛的,我能做的只有为她来祷告。我不喜欢看到人病痛,又其是主内弟兄姐妹!靠我真的无能为力,可是,我喜望主能够接着我的双手救跟多的病人。。我们在天上的父,我的生命是你的。。用我吧!求你带领我的明天。感谢主,给我还能在这一刻生呼吸。。愿我所作的能荣耀你圣洁宝贵的名,阿门。。。