Today, just as I entered the room, a Sunday School's children came to me and said,"teacher, this lollipop is for you." Fuyoo~ I was touched! Actually there is once her mum told me:"Teacher, my daughter like you very much. She always asked, when are you coming back..."
I...(^_^") really hope that they (the kids) can grow well spiritually here, in the Sunday School. Actually they are my encouragement as well...Kids, thanks yo!
There are also a few elders in the Sunday School organization, which I can feel that they treat me really well and I feel so easy with them. Also, I respect them a lot. I haven't earn any money yet(even if I want to treat them to show that Im grateful to them, also, I can't-will be very weird), and at the same time I felt like I can't help them much. I told myself, I will help all of them unconditionally(if I am able) in future, when I am back here to Sibu. For the time being, prayers is what I can help out, because when I pray, God works!
You guys are my encouragement too! T'was because I started to doubt if I can graduate as a doctor because always, I tend to feel like I want to give up. (Coz maybe I like to study in a very relaxing mood and I love to join activities). Therefore, the elders and kids in Sunday School did contribute some encouragement to me in achieving my dream =D
Actually, there is one that I really respect her. I heard, last year, when she knew that I m leaving to continue my studies after helping in Sunday Sch here for 3 months, her eyes went watery.
In the nutshell, I treat all of you as my parents, brothers and sisters. Really thank you very much for the supports! Masland Methodist Family; Sunday School^^ gambateh!
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