Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
BLS TOT (with UPM students)
Having a great time with medical students from UPM and my BLS Team comrades. ^^, it is great to teach them BLS, hoping that the little knowledge that I have can help in some way. As I teach, I learn more.. :D
Saturday, September 29, 2012
It's not right but it's ok.
Huh, it is not awesome when someone promised you something but she totally ignore it. I felt so disappointed, if you can't make it, then you shouldn't have promise it at the first place although your intention is good. I was left without even an explanation. Fine! It's not right but it's ok for me :( I just felt a bit sad.
However, when I reflected back, I always/ maybe sometimes do not keep my promises as well. I realized, I am the type of a person who can promise someone something, very easily, without a second thought. My purpose is to show my care to him/her but then sometimes, I do break promises. I must know that it's not right and it's not ok with the person. Hm... I need to change! I have to put my words into action and never promise someone anything without making sure that I can really do it. :) Gambateh, and yeah! Tonight I have a great time practising with Sis PJ and Bro Hillary for the praise and worship tomorrow. Tomorrow is SUNDAY (^^)/
It's not right but it's ok.
However, when I reflected back, I always/ maybe sometimes do not keep my promises as well. I realized, I am the type of a person who can promise someone something, very easily, without a second thought. My purpose is to show my care to him/her but then sometimes, I do break promises. I must know that it's not right and it's not ok with the person. Hm... I need to change! I have to put my words into action and never promise someone anything without making sure that I can really do it. :) Gambateh, and yeah! Tonight I have a great time practising with Sis PJ and Bro Hillary for the praise and worship tomorrow. Tomorrow is SUNDAY (^^)/
It's not right but it's ok.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
You can't gain knowledge without practical experience (common saying); wisdom only comes with experience. So, tonight was a great experience for me! Or else, I will never know there is a dark side serving in the church....
Instead of talking about the dark side, I would prefer to pray for them. It is true that when you saw certain people serving actively in the church, you will see them in awe and wow! And then, you will give thanks to God for having such a wonderful person in the church. However, sometimes, when something happened in front of you will make, something not so WOW! It will make you break down, can't accept it and keep asking "why?" to God. I am not sure about you but that's what happened to me tonight. But don't you know that it is more heart broken to God as well. What can I do? I almost burst into anger but of course it will end up as a fight in the church and I can't act so immature B-) So, I preferred to keep quiet and pray for the fellow. God, please help her and please help me as well..
It was great to study in Penang from Form 1 until Form 5. It was really great. I gained ample experience but I always consider it a great loss for me spiritually. It was a dark age for me coz, erm... just imagine I missed the youth fellowship. I am living like a wild weeds, quotes and unquotes...spiritually. I enjoyed to the max, life without knowing the true meaning of Christian. Perhaps, a little bit knowledge from my Sunday school learning.. ;) *wink wink.. thanks a lot to my Sunday school teacher, aunty Ma Nar for guiding me before I went to Penang and also when I am in Penang. However, God will always has a better plan than Man. So, it's ok not to have the youth fellowship after all.. I thought it was a great loss to leave Sibu because I can't serve in my mother church. Doctor, so what?? What I matter most is serving in the church! But then, as for now, after seeing what happened, it's ok then! And I believe God has better plan for me..
Therefore.. 今晚,我才发现十年前我做的决定,不值得我去后悔。感谢主!Thanks God, tonight only I realized, I do not have to regret on the decision which I made 10 years ago :') I believe that the bible teaches the right things, but not all the people who walk in and out of the church is perfect XD Now I can take it...If 10 years ago, maybe I might leave the church if I see those things happened to the church. A very good friend of mine, Yu Yin told me, if you look at the people around you, you may fall with them, but if you fix your eyes upon God, then you will stand firm. Thank you for the great advice, Yu Yin :D But then, including me, myself.. I have lots of shortcoming as well. 加油,利翩 :D
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Community Medicine Posting
A little bit from me for Community Medicine Posting :) Firstly, pls bring along your second year public health notes to Sepang :) It will be very helpful..
1. Patient Case Study - For our group, we need to do a powerpoint presentation on this and also a case write-up in Microsoft words.
Approach your patient during the first week, make sure that your patient is very cooperative (How? Build a good raport) or else, you will be miserable for the rest of the week :] Try your best to have your first visit during your first week or second week of the posting. Clerk as usual, all the clinical history first. After the visit, when you go back home, immediately start doing your powerpoint presentation. After that, try to go to visit your patient the following week, complete taking history regarding the factors that contribute to his or her illness. immediately once you reach home, finish up your powerpoint presentation, YOU ARE DONE! =P wait for the feedback from the lecturers during your case presentation (for us, our presentation is during the 7th week), after that start doing your case write up in Microsoft Words! My advice is try to finish it early and so that you can proceed with other reports and HIP tasks :) That's what I did.. I only visited my patient twice..and finished the typing part in less than one day time. I really try to finish my tasks/assignments a.s.a.p. when I am doing Comm Med because many tasks are awaiting in front of me. Finish your tasks earlier and you will be safe.
Also, bring along ur bp set just in case if your patient is hypertensive, you may need to take her b reading. When you copy the patient's lab result, don't forget to take his or her HbA1c (if diabetic patient) and bp (if hypertensive patient). It is even better if you took two results on different occassions (dates) so that you can see if the patient's illness is getting better or worst.
Emphasize the history taking on the factors contributing/healing factors (environmental?) of the patients. Not so much on clinical history ya..Don't worry, Puan Sri will give you guys the template for history taking, just follow that one. Read before you visit your patient, or else you are wasting your time, going there not knowing what to ask!
2. TBL - a very important session that you can't afford to miss!
What lecturers taught during the TBL session are useful and it may come out in VIVA, so just stay awake and jot down notes! To the group leader, pls e-mail a softcopy of your TBL compilation to Dr. Sabariah before your presentation. To be safe, e-mail it a night before. Some answer for the TBL you can find in the Robbani Community Medicine Textbook, some are not in the textbook and what I did was I asked the medical staff from health clinic directly through this link. :) They will reply you the answer. The purpose I used this website because most of the information in the internet is more western-based but for our TBL, mostly regarding the health system in Malaysia. All the best!
3. Attachments @ Hosp. Banting, Health District Office (Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah, PKD), Health Clinic (Klinik Kesihatan Salak), Sepang Municipal Council (Majlis Perbandaran Sepang, MPS) and factory visits.
Please guide them, ask them regarding our learning objectives. All the learning objectives are in our Year 3 Guidebook. The learning objectives are our main concern =D Those will come out in VIVA.
4. HIP:
1. The literature Review: You need to present it to all the lecturers. Marks given for this. IMPORTANT! You must have percentage in all the literature reviews that you have found. At first, we don't know about that and most of our powerpoint slides were rejected and we had to re-do and re-search it again.
I will give you an example:
Chin, G. (2002) Overview of cancer in Malaysia, Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 32 (1), pp 37 - 42. (This is the harvard referencing style. You can generate it here.)
Lastly, if you do not understand anything, please ask
Dr. Sabariah on the spot, just tell her that you do not understand if
you really don't. Anything that you are not clear of, e.g. regarding the
literature review, emotive appeal letter or anything else, just call or
email her. She will guide you. The most important thing is you must ask
her. This will definitely reduce the probability of your works been
rejected. Again, email her anytime, she will help you. The lecturers in
community medicine block is very accessible! Believe me.. And
everything/every datelines that she give, it's for our goods. I still
remember, during my group, she push us and requested us to finish our
data collection and data analysis asap, so that we can have more free
times in the end and she was right. We have a week of relaxing time.
Everything that Dr. Sabariah did, there is a reason. All the best to you
guys. Community Medicine is really fun if everyone in the group work together ^^, Gambateh!
Also, for those who have other commitment, please put them aside. There will be a lot of tasks delegated by your HIP leader so please do not use the excuses that you have other commitment. Everyone has! But of course, you can do other tasks beside Community Medicine but please know that Comm Med is part of your academic and you, as a student, should be responsible with the tasks given to you. Why can you put so much effort into studying O&G and yet you do not have a little bit sense of responsibility towards tasks delegated to you in Comm Med? I was so blessed to have group 2 MBBS 0910 as my teammates.
1. Patient Case Study - For our group, we need to do a powerpoint presentation on this and also a case write-up in Microsoft words.
Approach your patient during the first week, make sure that your patient is very cooperative (How? Build a good raport) or else, you will be miserable for the rest of the week :] Try your best to have your first visit during your first week or second week of the posting. Clerk as usual, all the clinical history first. After the visit, when you go back home, immediately start doing your powerpoint presentation. After that, try to go to visit your patient the following week, complete taking history regarding the factors that contribute to his or her illness. immediately once you reach home, finish up your powerpoint presentation, YOU ARE DONE! =P wait for the feedback from the lecturers during your case presentation (for us, our presentation is during the 7th week), after that start doing your case write up in Microsoft Words! My advice is try to finish it early and so that you can proceed with other reports and HIP tasks :) That's what I did.. I only visited my patient twice..and finished the typing part in less than one day time. I really try to finish my tasks/assignments a.s.a.p. when I am doing Comm Med because many tasks are awaiting in front of me. Finish your tasks earlier and you will be safe.
Also, bring along ur bp set just in case if your patient is hypertensive, you may need to take her b reading. When you copy the patient's lab result, don't forget to take his or her HbA1c (if diabetic patient) and bp (if hypertensive patient). It is even better if you took two results on different occassions (dates) so that you can see if the patient's illness is getting better or worst.
Emphasize the history taking on the factors contributing/healing factors (environmental?) of the patients. Not so much on clinical history ya..Don't worry, Puan Sri will give you guys the template for history taking, just follow that one. Read before you visit your patient, or else you are wasting your time, going there not knowing what to ask!
2. TBL - a very important session that you can't afford to miss!
What lecturers taught during the TBL session are useful and it may come out in VIVA, so just stay awake and jot down notes! To the group leader, pls e-mail a softcopy of your TBL compilation to Dr. Sabariah before your presentation. To be safe, e-mail it a night before. Some answer for the TBL you can find in the Robbani Community Medicine Textbook, some are not in the textbook and what I did was I asked the medical staff from health clinic directly through this link. :) They will reply you the answer. The purpose I used this website because most of the information in the internet is more western-based but for our TBL, mostly regarding the health system in Malaysia. All the best!
3. Attachments @ Hosp. Banting, Health District Office (Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah, PKD), Health Clinic (Klinik Kesihatan Salak), Sepang Municipal Council (Majlis Perbandaran Sepang, MPS) and factory visits.
Please guide them, ask them regarding our learning objectives. All the learning objectives are in our Year 3 Guidebook. The learning objectives are our main concern =D Those will come out in VIVA.
4. HIP:
1. The literature Review: You need to present it to all the lecturers. Marks given for this. IMPORTANT! You must have percentage in all the literature reviews that you have found. At first, we don't know about that and most of our powerpoint slides were rejected and we had to re-do and re-search it again.
I will give you an example:
In a study, despite
efforts aimed at discouraging smoking, the prevalence of continuing smokers was
30.6% in the general population in Malaysia.
Chin, G. (2002) Overview of cancer in Malaysia, Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 32 (1), pp 37 - 42. (This is the harvard referencing style. You can generate it here.)
What to do after you finish your literature review? You can have a look in my Gantt Chart.
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double click for better view |
Also, for those who have other commitment, please put them aside. There will be a lot of tasks delegated by your HIP leader so please do not use the excuses that you have other commitment. Everyone has! But of course, you can do other tasks beside Community Medicine but please know that Comm Med is part of your academic and you, as a student, should be responsible with the tasks given to you. Why can you put so much effort into studying O&G and yet you do not have a little bit sense of responsibility towards tasks delegated to you in Comm Med? I was so blessed to have group 2 MBBS 0910 as my teammates.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Obstetric and Gynecology Posting (Pre, Posting and Post)
In a sentence, I will say that Obstetric and Gynecology posting is really fun!! :) You will enjoy. Plus, in Manjung, you will have extracurricular activities, seriously, I enjoyed it a lot.. feel like I was back in my secondary school life :D study + sports+ party! Ok, let's enter the topic for this time... ^^just a short sharing from me..
1. Pre-posting preparation:
To know what book you might need to use during the O&G posting, you can visit here. It is a sharing about books for O&G posting. You can also download some ebooks from there. During the first weeks, you will have workshops with Dr. Sabri, Dr. Suhaimi and A.Professor Hanif. There will be slots for "How to take history for O&G posting, how to examine a gravid uterus, theory and practical session for vaginal examination (YOU will have OPPORTUNITY to do it on mannequin), learn how to read cardiotocograph (CTG) and what is pactogram". Maybe you can consider to read those topics before the class? ;D
2. Posting:
Actually I have nothing much to say, for Manjung group, you will need to elect a sports manager, because normally you will have extracurricular activity on Wednesday evening. Believe me, it will be fun having games with your teammates after spending half a day in the hospital. Divide yourself into two groups, both groups will compete in academic and also sports :)
I am not giving the clerking template this time, every lecturer will have their own styles. For Dr. Kamal's class, you will need to clerk the patients according to the template and you must ask everything about the patients!! Everything...very details. For Dr. Tan, during my case presentation, she wanted me to put in management of the patient upon the admission in the History of Presenting Illness. Prof. Hanif will teach you guys how to present a case... You may need to have a few differential diagnosis in ur minds according to the chief complaint and ask only the relevant questions to ur patients. The way to clerk the patient which Prof. Hanif taught will be used again in Internal Medicine posting :) Also clerk all the patients, after clerking, have some times, sit down and rearrange all the words so that you can present well to the lecturers :) Make sure the projector and LCD are ready before the class start. Anyone of you can volunteer to present a case in front of your friends in CME room, when Prof. Hanif arrived, the volunteer can still continue with his/her presentation, Prof. Hanif will correct if there's any mistake.
In Serdang, especially for Dr. Suhaimi's class, please get ready the LCD, projector before the class. He is very particular about this. For his first class, please call the person-in-charge for the CST room to get ready all the mannequin before the class commence.
3. Preparation for end-of-posting exam:
Just read the core knowledge, you can find that in your guidebook. After my survey, the case that we got for our exam is not something new for us, it's all been taught in class, during lectures and TBLs. :) So, if u read, you don't have to worry too much for exam. ^^
That's all.. Enjoy ya!
1. Pre-posting preparation:
To know what book you might need to use during the O&G posting, you can visit here. It is a sharing about books for O&G posting. You can also download some ebooks from there. During the first weeks, you will have workshops with Dr. Sabri, Dr. Suhaimi and A.Professor Hanif. There will be slots for "How to take history for O&G posting, how to examine a gravid uterus, theory and practical session for vaginal examination (YOU will have OPPORTUNITY to do it on mannequin), learn how to read cardiotocograph (CTG) and what is pactogram". Maybe you can consider to read those topics before the class? ;D
2. Posting:
Actually I have nothing much to say, for Manjung group, you will need to elect a sports manager, because normally you will have extracurricular activity on Wednesday evening. Believe me, it will be fun having games with your teammates after spending half a day in the hospital. Divide yourself into two groups, both groups will compete in academic and also sports :)
I am not giving the clerking template this time, every lecturer will have their own styles. For Dr. Kamal's class, you will need to clerk the patients according to the template and you must ask everything about the patients!! Everything...very details. For Dr. Tan, during my case presentation, she wanted me to put in management of the patient upon the admission in the History of Presenting Illness. Prof. Hanif will teach you guys how to present a case... You may need to have a few differential diagnosis in ur minds according to the chief complaint and ask only the relevant questions to ur patients. The way to clerk the patient which Prof. Hanif taught will be used again in Internal Medicine posting :) Also clerk all the patients, after clerking, have some times, sit down and rearrange all the words so that you can present well to the lecturers :) Make sure the projector and LCD are ready before the class start. Anyone of you can volunteer to present a case in front of your friends in CME room, when Prof. Hanif arrived, the volunteer can still continue with his/her presentation, Prof. Hanif will correct if there's any mistake.
In Serdang, especially for Dr. Suhaimi's class, please get ready the LCD, projector before the class. He is very particular about this. For his first class, please call the person-in-charge for the CST room to get ready all the mannequin before the class commence.
3. Preparation for end-of-posting exam:
Just read the core knowledge, you can find that in your guidebook. After my survey, the case that we got for our exam is not something new for us, it's all been taught in class, during lectures and TBLs. :) So, if u read, you don't have to worry too much for exam. ^^
That's all.. Enjoy ya!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Miss a class is a great loss :)
Many people asked me, why am I going back to KL so early...
I am sad because I need to go back to Cyberjaya on the second day of the Chinese New Year, which is today. Right now I am in Starbucks, Kuching International Airport, waiting for my next flight to KL and my cousins are waiting for their flight to Singapore.
This morning, I reached Sibu airport at around 6.30a.m.
The morning was SO EARLY,
Sibu airport was SO EMPTY,
Flight MH3693 was SO EMPTY...
I remembered, a few months ago when I was talking to my friend, she said that I should stay in Sibu longer and spend time with my family. However, as for me, of course I want to spend more time with my family members but then at the same time I do not want to miss any classes tomorrow. A few weeks ago in Manjung, a friend of mine missed a class and I realized that she missed so many important things taught by my lecturer. I DO NOT WANT THAT to happen to me.
And another friend of mine said that I can take longer leave because I am still a medical student. But then, I think now is the only time I am learning so I do not want to missed any opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in the hospital. Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday...I only have THREE days in antenatal ward :( wish to have more :)
Yes, family is IMPORTANT AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND I HAD ENJOYED TO THE FULLEST SINCE I REACHED SIBU LAST 3 DAYS. I didn't open my O&G books since last 3 days and since I do not know much yet, I guess I need to start reading the books after I take some rest in Cyberjaya later.
This morning when I was in the flight, they served us milo, 2 muffins and a box of small cookies. When I saw the cookies, I was thinking, at that period of time, my other friends must be enjoying cookies in their home or maybe in others houses. But, i was having cookies in the flight, sad right?
However, something suddenly came into my minds which made me give thanks to God with what I have. Suddenly, a picture of some kids in rural areas or poorer country who do not have any food to eat flashed in my mind. I should give thanks for the food I had even it's in the flight on the second day of Chinese New Year. Someone, somewhere in this world do not even have any chance to enjoy the delicious cookies.
I must always know how to give thanks with all that I have. Only then I will learn how to appreciate :D Happy Chinese New year to all...
I am sad because I need to go back to Cyberjaya on the second day of the Chinese New Year, which is today. Right now I am in Starbucks, Kuching International Airport, waiting for my next flight to KL and my cousins are waiting for their flight to Singapore.
This morning, I reached Sibu airport at around 6.30a.m.
The morning was SO EARLY,
Sibu airport was SO EMPTY,
Flight MH3693 was SO EMPTY...
I remembered, a few months ago when I was talking to my friend, she said that I should stay in Sibu longer and spend time with my family. However, as for me, of course I want to spend more time with my family members but then at the same time I do not want to miss any classes tomorrow. A few weeks ago in Manjung, a friend of mine missed a class and I realized that she missed so many important things taught by my lecturer. I DO NOT WANT THAT to happen to me.
And another friend of mine said that I can take longer leave because I am still a medical student. But then, I think now is the only time I am learning so I do not want to missed any opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in the hospital. Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday...I only have THREE days in antenatal ward :( wish to have more :)
Yes, family is IMPORTANT AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND I HAD ENJOYED TO THE FULLEST SINCE I REACHED SIBU LAST 3 DAYS. I didn't open my O&G books since last 3 days and since I do not know much yet, I guess I need to start reading the books after I take some rest in Cyberjaya later.
This morning when I was in the flight, they served us milo, 2 muffins and a box of small cookies. When I saw the cookies, I was thinking, at that period of time, my other friends must be enjoying cookies in their home or maybe in others houses. But, i was having cookies in the flight, sad right?
However, something suddenly came into my minds which made me give thanks to God with what I have. Suddenly, a picture of some kids in rural areas or poorer country who do not have any food to eat flashed in my mind. I should give thanks for the food I had even it's in the flight on the second day of Chinese New Year. Someone, somewhere in this world do not even have any chance to enjoy the delicious cookies.
I must always know how to give thanks with all that I have. Only then I will learn how to appreciate :D Happy Chinese New year to all...
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