Monday, June 28, 2010






Monday, June 21, 2010

I was touched by what she did..没福音,就是善事了。可是,我连这点也做不到,我算什么呢?(Chinese version)

我会问自己,这孩子是从哪里来的? 每当我问这题题目时,就代表我很佩服这个人. 这个人就是Alia 了,我的朋友.她今年跟我一样, 20岁,是跟我同班的医学生. 我们两有什么不同呢? 可能是勇气吧!
她的梦想是改变世界.她今天因该从Kerala, India 会马来西亚了吧.在短短的八个月内,她到了大马各地方去演讲叫人捐钱给那些在Kerala 不辛的小孩.所存的钱会拿给Jubilee Mission Hospital 那里,好让得到cleft lips 的小孩有钱动手术。更详细的质料可以到她的部落格拜访。终止她成功筹备了RM1976.00. 足够付钱给两个手术和一个医药费。你们会觉得太少了吗?你们会觉得为了这一点点飞到印度真不值得吗?可是,在Alia筹备的过程当中,我看到她的真心。她真的很想帮助人,很想很想改变世界。她这颗迫切想要帮助人的心,真让我高兴,因为我有很多朋友,要不是对每件事不理不睬的,就是只会为成绩奔跑,还有些是我觉得他们没有责任感。。。我不是说我是一百分,只是,看了他们,我会想:“难道这就是我们的未来医生吗?”我不知道别人,可是若我是病人的话,我要的是一个心会流泪,会关心我的医生来救我,而不是铁石心肠的状元爷。
每当我想捐钱给那些小孩时, 我都会想, 不如我把这钱捐给富雅各工程不是跟好吗? 结果,我都拔不出钱来捐给Alia. 到附近, 五月的成绩出了后, 不是很能接受自己的成绩, 不过还是感恩. 当晚立刻向上帝祷告说,”我把这RM50 捐给那些Kerala 乡区不幸的小孩. 希望这一点点的钱能帮助到他们. 心有点犹豫,因我当时认为我是捐钱给回民, 不是应当奉献给富雅各工程的吗? RM50 还可以让我多打几场保龄球呢! 当时我求神,让我无忧无虑的捐了它吧…”
放假了,星期六那天平安抵达诗巫。星期日打开facebook后,才发现原来我那位朋友去的是Jubilee Mission Hospital 那里。亲爱的主里弟兄姐妹们,看到那间医院的名字会让你们想起了什么呢?Mission = 宣教啊!当时,我还不相信我的眼睛(我所看到的医院名字),也不信我的知识(Mission = 宣教)所以我就进了Jubilee Mission Hospital 的网站。原来它不只是一间医院,也是一间医学院,其中建立的目的是把基督教带进那个地方。它的网站里边还有一个我很熟息的图片.约瑟,玛丽亚和一个小婴孩,耶稣基督. 哇~真的把我吓了一跳.犹豫那么多的我,后来那RM50 还是捐给自己人.


1. 感动了! 用来我捐的RM50 是给自己人.神要我看到什么呢? 其实,我有一直问上帝我读阿拉伯语言是对的吗?我很想到中东去帮忙.希伯来文?不能,因暂时我接触得到的都是好友回民,就趁这个机会跟他们学阿拉伯语言咯!要掌握宝贵机会呀!我很渴慕神的答案,因我想知道要是我去中东帮助,那里大多数是回民, ok 吗?这次,Alia 好不稀罕的帮助了这些孩子们,让我醒过来了。帮助人,应该不分种族或信仰!只是,有点过不了自己这关,只觉得我为宣教工产有很多梦想,可是却一事无成=(

2. 觉得自己很没用。口口声声说要读神学。可是,现在正在读医科。知道我这一年是怎么熬过的吗?在房间读书时忽然听到圣诞歌,以为CCF 朋友们在练歌。短讯他们后才知道他们在报佳音,眼泪就这么的掉下来了。书也湿了,还要读吗? 明天我还有考试。别人在报佳音,我还要预备考试。不是说我更看重考试,只是学业也是我一部分的责任啊!我考不上,谁来帮我补考啊?可是,诗歌,圣诞歌在空中响亮,叫我如何温书呢?我知道我们要常常数算恩典。可是,当时的我。。。只有在数算,我所失的。巴不得现在飞去以色列,飞去中东,可是,我知道,现在的我什么也不是,能做什么呢?可是,当了医生后,我还会想事奉吗?很多人,知道我读医科后,都会说,“以后我们看病只有半价吧?”这个还ok.还有的是,“你读这科以后对宣教工厂很有帮助。”我会回答,“希望读的完。” 才一年我都快要垮了,还有四年呢?巴不得现在飞到外星球去!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

I was touched by what she did..没福音,就是善事了。可是,我连这点也做不到,我算什么呢?(English version)

Yeah, I have a friend, her name is Alia. She has a dream, which is to change the world. One day, last year, she came across something about the children in Kelala which had cleft lips and in their village, the villagers believed that those children have been cursed and that’s why they have some defects. Alia get excited and she wanted to start a project in conjunction with her dream. She hopes to raise some funds so that those kids have the money to repair their cleft lip and they will have opportunity to smile like others too. What a good thought, a smile to change the world!
And last night I was stunned to see her post in the facebook, she was heading towards the Jubilee Mission Hospital! To all the Christian out there, from the names itself I guess you guys should know what this hospital is for.. But I was not satisfied yet during that time, I opened the website on this Jubilee Mission Hospital. There are lots of objectives of this hospital and one of them is to promote human and Christian values in every sphere of health care delivery, medical education and research.
See my friend; a muslim friend is helping regardless of race and religion! This really bring me to a great shock because before this, I planned to make a medical trip to orang asli in somewhere around Sibu, and I would like to ask some brothers and sisters in my church to help us to reach those place because I only been to the orang asli places with those church people. However one of my friends said cannot just because I asked the help from the church, actually I was really upset with what she said because her word is really a bit harsh for me. I learnt Arabic because I wanted to go to d middle east but the way she said is like it is wrong to help other religions.
There is once I asked my Sunday Sch tcer, izit ok if I helped people from other religions, my teacher, aunty Ma Nar replied: of coz u must!
There is once I asked Izati about this issue, she said of coz we must helped others, we are going to be a doctor who treat the patients regardless of race and religions and creed!! thx ya Izati, for ur kind advice!!
And lastly, what Alia did this time reconfirm me once that it is right thing for me to learn Arabic to achieve my dream.. Thx for those who gave me all the advices and inspired me indirectly =)