Sunday, April 15, 2012

Community Medicine Posting

A little bit from me for Community Medicine Posting :) Firstly, pls bring along your second year public health notes to Sepang :) It will be very helpful..

1. Patient Case Study - For our group, we need to do a powerpoint presentation on this and also a case write-up in Microsoft words.

Approach your patient during the first week, make sure that your patient is very cooperative (How? Build a good raport) or else, you will be miserable for the rest of the week :] Try your best to have your first visit during your first week or second week of the posting. Clerk as usual, all the clinical history first. After the visit, when you go back home, immediately start doing your powerpoint presentation. After that, try to go to visit your patient the following week, complete taking history regarding the factors that contribute to his or her illness. immediately once you reach home, finish up your powerpoint presentation, YOU ARE DONE! =P wait for the feedback from the lecturers during your case presentation (for us, our presentation is during the 7th week), after that start doing your case write up in Microsoft Words! My advice is try to finish it early and so that you can proceed with other reports and HIP tasks :) That's what I did.. I only visited my patient twice..and finished the typing part in less than one day time. I really try to finish my tasks/assignments a.s.a.p. when I am doing Comm Med because many tasks are awaiting in front of me. Finish your tasks earlier and you will be safe.

Also, bring along ur bp set just in case if your patient is hypertensive, you may need to take her b reading. When you copy the patient's lab result, don't forget to take his or her HbA1c (if diabetic patient) and bp (if hypertensive patient). It is even better if you took two results on different occassions (dates) so that you can see if the patient's illness is getting better or worst.

Emphasize the history taking on the factors contributing/healing factors (environmental?) of the patients. Not so much on clinical history ya..Don't worry, Puan Sri will give you guys the template for history taking, just follow that one. Read before you visit your patient, or else you are wasting your time, going there not knowing what to ask!

2. TBL - a very important session that you can't afford to miss!

What lecturers taught during the TBL session are useful and it may come out in VIVA, so just stay awake and jot down notes! To the group leader, pls e-mail a softcopy of your TBL compilation to Dr. Sabariah before your presentation. To be safe, e-mail it a night before. Some answer for the TBL you can find in the Robbani Community Medicine Textbook, some are not in the textbook and what I did was I asked the medical staff from health clinic directly through this link. :) They will reply you the answer. The purpose I used this website because most of the information in the internet is more western-based but for our TBL, mostly regarding the health system in Malaysia. All the best!

3. Attachments @ Hosp. Banting, Health District Office (Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah, PKD), Health Clinic (Klinik Kesihatan Salak), Sepang Municipal Council (Majlis Perbandaran Sepang, MPS) and factory visits.

Please guide them, ask them regarding our learning objectives. All the learning objectives are in our Year 3 Guidebook. The learning objectives are our main concern =D Those will come out in VIVA.

4. HIP:

1. The literature Review: You need to present it to all the lecturers. Marks given for this. IMPORTANT! You must have percentage in all the literature reviews that you have found. At first, we don't know about that and most of our powerpoint slides were rejected and we had to re-do and re-search it again.

I will give you an example:

In a study, despite efforts aimed at discouraging smoking, the prevalence of continuing smokers was 30.6% in the general population in Malaysia.

 Chin, G. (2002) Overview of cancer in Malaysia, Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 32 (1), pp 37 - 42.  (This is the harvard referencing style. You can generate it here.) 

What to do after you finish your literature review? You can have a look in my Gantt Chart. 
double click for better view

p/s. this is not the Gantt chart for the HIP proposal, this was made solely for my own reference. There is another different Gantt chart(simpler and less complicated version) for the final HIP proposal.

Lastly, if you do not understand anything, please ask Dr. Sabariah on the spot, just tell her that you do not understand if you really don't. Anything that you are not clear of, e.g. regarding the literature review, emotive appeal letter or anything else, just call or email her. She will guide you. The most important thing is you must ask her. This will definitely reduce the probability of your works been rejected. Again, email her anytime, she will help you. The lecturers in community medicine block is very accessible! Believe me.. And everything/every datelines that she give, it's for our goods. I still remember, during my group, she push us and requested us to finish our data collection and data analysis asap, so that we can have more free times in the end and she was right. We have a week of relaxing time. Everything that Dr. Sabariah did, there is a reason. All the best to you guys. Community Medicine is really fun if everyone in the group work together ^^, Gambateh!

Also, for those who have other commitment, please put them aside. There will be a lot of tasks delegated by your HIP leader so please do not use the excuses that you have other commitment. Everyone has! But of course, you can do other tasks beside Community Medicine but please know that Comm Med is part of your academic and you, as a student, should be responsible with the tasks given to you. Why can you put so much effort into studying O&G and yet you do not have a little bit sense of responsibility towards tasks delegated to you in Comm Med? I was so blessed to have group 2 MBBS 0910 as my teammates.

final HIP reports from group 2 MBBS 0910