Friday, October 16, 2009

Dare to dream!!!

summary from PPD class dated 16th October.
by Prof. Latif (x-Deputy Dean of IMU)

Everything start with a dream. So what's CUCMS' dream? CUCMS wants to produce an extraordinary doctor, not producing JUST ANOTHER DOCTOR...

-make myself better
-help to make others better
-make this world a better place to live.

How was the today's world?
-People just concerned about how many A's u get in ur SPM, Spiderman I, Spiderman II and Spiderman III, Manchester United wons last night..bla bla bla, so on and so forth.

The age of humanity...
When is the ICT age?
-It passed already. So wats now? Now, we r just entering the "Biological age" where people have been talking from global warming to H1N1. Now we are at d frontier of biological age. He advised us don't be less or else we will be left behind.
He said, in this biological age, patient is well equipped with knowledge. So make sure we, the medical student knows all the medical terms very well. Nowadays, biological weapons are more dangerous than the atomic bomb. For example, the spreading disease of H1N1. So, he advised us dun just focused on our weekly assessment(each friday we will have a test) and become an ignorant.

Talking about disaster management, my Uni has 4 credit hours for that. What for?
He told us a real story. During the tsunami, there was a doctor(with 20 years experiences) from Malaysia who become a volunteer in Acheh. When the fellow reach there, he was shocked with the situation and he don't know how to manage the situation at that time. Lastly, what that doctor did was just sitting at a corner and started crying, crying and crying. (^_^") That's why CUCMS give the students early exposure to all those kinds of things.

Prof. Latif said that anyone who doesn't have a long term vision is a silly! Luckily I have one! First of all, he revealed to us our path to our vision:
5 years undergraduate
2 years housemanship
2 years medical officer
4 years postgraduate training
3 years of subspeciality training ME, /CPE (continuous medical or professional edu.)

He told us that houseman is the poorest among all the occupation. We need a kancil, perhaps...paying back our loans, rental fees and our daily expenditures....etc. So he asked us why we choose this profession? For sure not because of money, but for our long term DREAM!!!!!

My conclusion:
Why I want to become a doctor?
By God's will, I want to serve I民族. So with the dream that I had, I can still move on happily with hope everyday although I'm tired sometimes... I appreciate my every single day, as it is to prepare myself for the DAY!!! :-)


这星期真的很累很累。。。从星期二那天我都已经喘不过气了。当晚,有一个朋友看到我facebook 里的shout out 后,就send了一个信息给我。



星期三更惨!一放学就需要去拜访医院,肚子又饿,又要在医院走来走去。。。傍晚,五点我们才吃午餐。。。到家擦不多六点多了。。。真的好累好累,站都站不稳。冲了澡休息不到半个钟头,又要去circumcision training。本来不想去的,可是谁要是没去的话,下次就不能参加下一个的workshop了!记得我外婆晨经告诉我,考试要会及格,医生的basic skills especially basic life support 也都要学!因为,我不是想做个exam-based的医生!我很多朋友都没去,因为他们都要温习功课,我们这里每星期五都有考试的。。还没去之前,我求神赐给我力量。

感谢神,我从那个circumcision workshop 才知道,原来circumsicion 不只是给回教徒的,而且,现在的 犹太人 也有受割礼的哦!“这在一次让我看到神的伟大,求圣灵居续引导我”-dun get me wrong, only my mum and another 2 people around me know wats dis means!。。。我很注意的听和学。。。上完这个workshop后,成绩优秀的人会被选为学校的medical team。随时都会被叫去做volunteers。。。

星期四下课后,不小心睡了十分钟!起来赶快冲凉后就开始温习功课了。当然是来不及啦。。。到了十二点,我真的牚不住了!想起,我朋友有分享过,她那时也是考biochemistry,也是较托给神。。。灵修后我就Zzzzz... 还有两课还没读,可是头快要爆了~

今早,妈妈五点把我叫醒,擦点哭,因我以为已经7a.m. 了!后来,就赶快的温习一点,就那样了!哈哈~我真不知道我今天考的怎样噢!听说physiology的result 已经出了...biochemistry 应该今天下午成绩会出。。。(^_^")

“每次忙!!!都不回我信息。。。haiz~” 我才知道我让人失望了。当我跟她道歉时,她回我说:“everyday sorry”。。。


刚才,考试过后,我就看回全部的msg,看到一个关心我的朋友来的,就是我在上面已taip出来了...原来那天我没好好的读那个信息。。。原来,那位朋友是要告诉我说,不是每次都要有理由才感恩,而是要在困难的环境中,深信上帝可以使用任何事情成就美好的事!今天才明白这信息的意识(^_^") 今天学习的功课:-)不会忘记的(^^)

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Found this online...are u burden with something? The destination for detachment is happiness. After all u r x going to bring anything in this world to eternity... While convincing myself to be happier for "Today!"... I would like to share this article with u guys...enjoy!

友:“你们大家有没有讨厌的人啊?”小朋友们想了想,有的未作声,有的则猛力地点点头。 老师接着便发给每人一个袋子.说:“我们来玩一个游戏。请大家想想看,过去这一周,是不是有哪些人曾经得罪过你?他做了哪些可恶的事?如果你想到了。就在放学后到河边找一块石头,把他的名字写在石头上!如果你觉得他实在很过分,就找一块大一点的石头,如果你觉得他还没那么可恶,就找一块小一点的石头。每天你们都要把战利品用袋子装到学校来给老师看哦!”
终于,有人提出了抗议。 “老师,好累喔!” “老师,我提不动了啦!” 老师听了笑一笑没说话。这时有人接着喊:“对啊!每天提着这些石头来上课,好累喔,什么时候可以停止啊?” 接着全班同学都举手表示赞成。 这时,老师终于开口了,她笑着说:“既然你们知道这些石头只会越装越多、越装越重。同样,放在你们心里‘对别人的讨厌’如果不放掉,也是会越来越多、越来越重,你们何不像放下这些鹅卵石一样,也放下对别人的不原谅呢?” 孩子们听了有些吃惊.他们万万没想到原来老师是在用这件事教导他们饶恕人的道理。
老师接着又讲:“要学习宽恕别人的过错。千万不要将它记在心上,更不要将之扛在肩上,否则时间久了,谁也受不了这样的重担。。。。” 这位老师的话非常深刻!人心中的“石头”越多、越大,也就表明心中的仇恨越多、越深,所造成的负担就越重,最后伤害的就是那位扛着的人! 我很喜欢这句名谚:“宽恕人的过失,便是自己的荣耀。”当你打算报复一个人时,首先感到痛苦的。会是你自己;相对地,当你准备原谅一个人时,首先感到舒畅与快乐的,也会是你自己。懂得“放下”,是何等自在的事!饶了别人的同时,你也饶了自己。