Monday, August 25, 2008

God listens to prayers...

YaHoo! Just finish d Chemistry test today~ Huh! worry for so long...But wait..this Wednesday is Pengajian Malaysia test and! Physic test...I am not good in Physic ...dunno y oo..However, I am very very happy..Let me share..yesterday suddenly I had an urge to study at Club house in front of my apartment there, so, I went there with Amira and Regi. During that time, I was having headache, actually I had been coughing for 2 weeks already, and did not recover..Around 2 something we went to Indon Cafe there to have our lunch. We sat in the cafe for at least one and a half hour..because Regi's and Mira's food was served late. After that, we went back to the club house to continue our studies..Regi and Mira went down to buy french fries...we ate french fries while studies to stay AWAKE!

Just as three of us sit together and having chit-chat, suddenly I saw a woman walking by, sitting at the third table. From the first sight I can knew she's a Christian because I saw her t-shirt-something about mission 2007 and there's a cross there. So I am quite sure that this lady must be a Christian. At first I ask Regi to approach the lady but she didn't dare to do I have to go by my as usual, with my 'muka tembok', I went and approached the lady. Yeah, she's from Methodist church, she is going around doing something short "she's from Campus Crusade for Christ". Never heard before? So do I..hehe! She told me that they have a fellowship every Sunday night at 7.30p.m. She also told me many things, I felt like she's my angel, the happiness is just as the day I got the chance to talk to Pastor Moh Chiu Yin on the flight on the 7th July 2008. about 2 months ago(unbelievable meeting, thx God!) I got to know that there's a girl doing BPharm in CUCMS, she came from Sibu a few weeks ago..Glad to know her so after this maybe I 'll go to church with her..Yeah, like Sis Xue Er said,"God listens to my prayer." Really!! all the glory be to God.

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